About Avani

I come from a background of agriculturists. My childhood was filled with the sights, tastes and smells of home-grown vegetables and fruits. With the hectic daily routine of corporate life, I have been feeling disconnected from all that for some time now. Avani was born out of that desire to connect back with nature, and regain that energizing feeling that can only come from growing fresh, healthy vegetables ourselves. My aim is to nurture and pass on that feeling of goodness to the next generation and thus, contribute to the wellness of our community in our own small ways.

We have started off with a 2-acre farm just 25 minutes from PLH where we have started cultivating often used vegetables like palak, radish, carrot, french beans, green chilli etc. As a part of this initiative we also talk to farmers in and around the same area to understand current farming practices and to help the farming community in any way. For this purpose, we have formed an Avani “cluster” of like-minded farmers with whom we collaborate. We guide and support them with scientific farming methods.

It has been a wonderful journey so far and your overwhelmingly positive response to this initiative tells me that a lot of you feel the same way. We are very happy to share the goodness with each and every one of you and nurture goodness in all.

Sharika Dinesh

Founder - Avani


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